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What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the pre-milk fluid produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first few hours after birth (72 hours after birth for human mothers, 0-6 hours for Bovine (Cow) Mothers). It provides over 700 life-supporting immune, essential and growth factors that insure the health and vitality of the newborn.

Why do I Need Colostrum as an Adult?

Research has shown that once we pass puberty, our bodies gradually produce less of the immune and growth factors that help our bodies fight off disease and heal damaged body tissue. With the loss of these vital components, we age and die. We become more vulnerable to disease, our energy level and enthusiasm lessens, our skin loses its elasticity, and we gain unwanted weight and lose muscle tone. This health problem is further compounded because we live in a toxic environment, with pollutants and allergens all around us.

Colostrum is the only source of these life giving components …the actual immune factors and all of our body’s growth factors (anti-aging factors) in perfect combination as nature intended.

*Studies have revealed the importance of Colostrum in our society. During the fifties and sixties, many doctors recommended against breastfeeding. Thus, many babies during this period never got the natural initial boost to immune and digestive systems that Colostrum provides. The studies show adults that were not breast fed as children experienced less wellbeing, moreover, adults that were breast fed as children had greater wellbeing.

Research has shown that Colostrum has powerful natural growth and immune factors that bring the body to a state of homeostasis (the body’s powerful, vital natural state of health and well being). Colostrum helps support a healthy immune system; it also enables us to resist the harmful effects of pollutants, contaminants and allergens.

In addition, the growth factors in Colostrum help create many of the positive “side-effects” of a healthy organism such as an enhanced ability to metabolize or “burn” fat, greater ease in building lean muscle mass, and enhanced rejuvenation of skin, muscle and organs. Colostrum offers the broadest possible spectrum of biologically active substances that promotes the development of a sound body. It supports an effective and efficient metabolism and supports the activation and maintenance of a fully functional immune system capable of combating potential insults from microorganisms and other harmful sources.

How Safe is Colostrum?

Colostrum is a food. It can be consumed in any quantity without side effects or drug interactions.

I am Lactose Intolerant. Can I Still Take Colostrum?

Colostrum is the Pre-milk fluid produced by mammalian mothers prior to birth. It is not milk. Colostrum contains almost no lactose, so those that are lactose intolerant should have no problems with high quality Colostrum but always speak with your physician.

If concerned, you might consider taking a lactose digestive aid for the first while until the benefits of the Colostrum are achieved at which time some have reported no longer having any further lactose intolerance issues. Consumers should also make sure that products labeled Colostrum are 100% Colostrum (not Colostrum-whey or concentrates of milk-whey or Transitional-milk).

How Does Colostrum Interact with Supplements or Medication? 

Colostrum has no drug interactions, but you may experience side effects from other supplements, herbs or medications you take. Colostrum helps the bowel. You may want to cut back or even rethink other herbal and nutritional supplements. Medications may need to be re-evaluated for dose and need by your medical professional.

How is Colostrum Helpful Against Anti-Aging?

After puberty our body begins slowing down the production of our body’s Growth Factors. These factors are necessary for the reproduction of virtually all of our body cellular tissue. It has been shown that by age 80 we are producing virtually no growth factors, and so we age and die. Colostrums’ growth factors are the actual ALL NATURAL factors that stimulate the normal reproduction of body cellular tissue. Normal reproduction means just that (normal) not aged, cancerous, wrinkled or weakened. The New England Journal of Medicine (a few years back) stated that the most effective anti-aging process would be simply the replacement of growth factors at proper levels to slow, possibly stop and even reverse the aging process.

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